It's official!
It's official! Pastor Jon just did his very first triple back flip! Why, you ask? Because he is is reading very first blog. Of course, he may have passed out first from the shock! But I'm sure after composing himself, this has to be one of his proudest moments...ranking right up there with Jess saying "yes" and the birth of JD. Seeing the posting of this blog is the long awaited result of gentle prompting by him and the obvious ridicule with well-deserved shame for me. So be proud Pastor proud!
It's also official that I am now the full-time campus pastor of HRCC-Denton as of September. After 2 years of splitting time between serving as part-time campus pastor and full-time regional sales manager for a fitness equipment dealer, it was time to step out and answer the call to serve the Denton community full-time. It had been a struggle to know what God was doing and where He exactly wanted me. I had such a mission field where I was but it became very obvious that God has big plans for this community and His call was to do "whatever it takes" to be part of it.
So as many of you know, I left my position at Superior Fitness Systems after 7 years and joined the staff of HRCC full-time. Kelly, my wife and full-time HRCC-Denton worship leader/staff member, became part-time on staff and went back to dental assisting full-time. We made a commitment early in our marriage that we would make ourselves available for God to use any way He chose. Our current situation is just another example of what He can do when we are available and willing. He will take us and use us in ways we could never imagine.
I wish I could say the decision to submit to His will was easy, but it was a difficult process. Not because of God, but because of me getting in the way. I thought I could help God by deciding what His timing should be, instead of just listening and knowing. Don't we all do that sometimes...try to persuade God to follow us instead of following Him. But in Deuteronomy 11, Moses is telling the Israelites (and us) the rewards of loving, obeying and following God. In verses 22-23, he says if we love God, walk in all His ways and hold fast to Him, He will use us to do things bigger than we could ever do on our own. Obedience is the key...and don't we all want to be part of something bigger than ourselves. I certainly do and I want you to be part of it with me. As we follow God at all 3 campuses of HRCC, may we love God with all we have, live our lives the way He teaches us in His word and trust Him no matter what when the path seems unsure. If we will do this, He will give us victories bigger than anything we could imagine.
Pastor Ron
Jer. 29: 11-13

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