Who have you told?
This week is the best chance to invite your friends to HRCC and actually have them show up. We have some great things going on this weekend that will give you a chance to do what we talked about this past weekend: Share hope.
First, we have the High Rock United service Friday night at East Rowan High School. This will be the most exciting service we have ever had! We will have a meal @ 6:00. At 7, we will be lead by a praise team made up of the worship leaders from all 3 campus, as well as other members from each team…they will rock! We will then have a time a baptism for members of all 3 campuses…when you come up out of the water in front of all those people it will sound like Carolina just won the national championship all over again! (If you would like to be baptized, please let me or one of the pastors know.) Then, we will observe the Lord’s supper together and reflect on its meaning…it will be a powerful time of remembering what Christ did for us!
Second, on Saturday we will be having the Helicopter Easter Egg Drop...Yes, I said helicopter! At 11 in Denton and 1 in Kannapolis, we will have a helicopter fly in a drop 10,000 Easter eggs on the fields of Denton Elementary and Forest Park Elementary, respectively. Each egg will have some kind of prize in it, with 25 having a special number in it to qualify that child to win prizes like a plasma TV, an X-Box and Grocery gift certificates. We will have inflatables, games and free food! We need more volunteers to help so don’t be shy, let me know. PLEASE INVITE EVERYONE YOU KNOW!
Third, and most importantly, we will celebrate Easter Sunday at 10:30am at the Denton Campus. We will be starting a new series titled “Lie to Me.” This series will look at the lies the world tells us and the ones we tell other people. Sunday we will look at the greatest lie ever told…come Sunday and find out what it is! This will be a great day to wrap up a great weekend! Easter Sunday is one of the most attended Sundays of the year and it even draws those who might not come to any other Sunday service. Don’t be afraid to invite anyone…everybody needs Jesus!
Matthew 28:5-6 The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.

Ron Johnson and I watched all the kids having a blast from the sidelines even tho we did not bring any kids. We just saw the newspaper article and came out to see the fun. Somebody gave Ron a business card so I started listening to yall on-line. I enjoy your sermons.
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